Reverse Dieting

Here is an unfamiliar topic– reverse dieting. What is that?! Reverse dieting is pretty well known with physique competitors.  It is what I am currently doing now that my show has past.  Everyone knows that one goes on a “diet” in order to lose body fat/weight, but what about when you have successfully lost the weight you wanted?  There is a point where you need to understand that enough is enough–one cannot diet forever.  It is fatiguing mentally and physically.  But what comes after the diet?  A rebound back to old ways? Gaining back every ounce you had lost over the past few months?  This doesn’t have to be the case.


Once you are at that realistic goal weight you can then reverse diet to a higher calorie “diet” to maintain this weight or a weight close to it. Continue reading

Monday Motivation: My 6 Month Transformation 

Different Body, Same Mint Green Phone Cover 😛  I do want to mention– Jan 2015 I WAS working out 5x/week.  There has been no change in my workout frequency.  It is true when they say fitness is 70% diet 30% exercise!!

Good Monday readers! I wanted to share with you my transformation–and no, the dates are completely accurate. I also want to share how I did this–no starving, no diet pills, & no cutting carbs. It doesn’t happen overnight, but you may see results quicker than you think!  Once you see results there’s no stopping you! I found this quote while on “Pinterest” :

“It takes 4 weeks for you to notice a difference in your body. 8 weeks for friends and family to notice a difference. And 12 weeks for everyone else”

Continue reading

What is IIFYM?


IIFYM, or “If It Fits Your Macros” is a diet that takes macronutrients into consideration for your weight goal. There are three major macronutrients that the human body needs in order to function properly: carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Essentially, this diet is providing the body with exactly the macronutrients it needs for your goals–whether that be weight loss, maintaining current weight, or bulking/weight gain.  IIFYM is sought after for its ability to be flexible and nonrestrictive when it comes to the foods you can consume.  Nothing is off limits if it fits into your macros.   Continue reading